Motivational Weekend Copenhagen 2015

In the last weekend of February 2015, the members of our Local BEST Group gathered in a cabin near Copenhagen for a Motivation Weekend. The goal of a Motivation Weekend is to motivate the members of the group to perform an even better task of organizing events during the year by providing them with relevant trainings. At the same time, our members are provided the opportunity of getting to know each other even better, thus laying the foundations for even more friendships between members, new and old alike.



The members of BEST Copenhagen already represent many different countries. To increase the international dimension even more, we also had members join from other BEST groups across Europe. Thus, participants from Madrid, Lund, Trondheim, Porto and Warsaw also partook in making the weekend unforgettable.

BEST provides access to a network of trainers who are skilled in providing trainings in a variety of areas. For our Motivation Weekend, the members were involved in choosing topics that would be relevant to them. This resulted in two trainers joining us for providing trainings in the following areas: Fundraising, Time Management, Project Management, and Human Resources.






The trainings were divided into tracks such that our members could choose one of two possible trainings at any time. In this way, each member could choose the trainings they were most interested in. The common feeling was that the trainings were great and provided us with knowledge to help the LBG in its future work.

After days filled with trainings, the evenings were used for getting to know each other even better over plenty of food and through traditional BEST parties.

Looking back at this event as a Main Organizer, the event has fulfilled its goal of motivating and engaging members even more in the work we do as a group. As a member who had just joined BEST, organizing this event really showed me the BEST spirit, where people are more than willing to help with planning as well at the practical aspects of organizing a Motivation Weekend.








Main Organizer